Co-Pastor Tracy Russell affectionately known as “Pastor T”, is a woman after God’s own heart daily walking in the Ministry of Love. She prestigiously serves together with her husband as they shepherd the flock of Revelation Knowledge Bible Church.
Pastor Tracy Russell is a native of Birmingham, Alabama and a graduate of the Birmingham City School system. On December 9, 1995 she stepped into her destiny and married Pastor Larry Russell Jr., later starting a family and beginning her journey to walk as one of God’s virtuous woman. After answering the call to preach the gospel Pastor Tracy Russell was licensed and ordained as a minister of the gospel in June of 2008.
In a desire to encourage women from all walks of life, Pastor Tracy Russell founded a women’s ministry inspirationally called “Sister 2 Sister”. Through this ministry she is able to inspire woman to walk in their appointed and divine purpose as virtuous women of God.
Pastor Tracy Russell is on the move sharing the greatest gift of all, the love of God, pushing forward to greater heights in our Lord.